Stylists or hairdressers are experts in various techniques and processes related to styling, such as cutting, drying, straightening, curling, waving, relaxing, braiding, highlighting and coloring.
They have knowledge about various different types of hairstyles and how to create a hairstyle that is suitable for the hair type and physical characteristics of their clients.
Therefore, among the requirements to be a best hair stylist near me, keep these tips in mind:
Educate your good taste
Just as to file your nails you must educate yourself, without good taste, it is impossible to access the elite of styling. Good taste is not a gift from birth, it is acquired by studying and, above all, by keeping yourself constantly informed about social and fashion trends.
Dress well
This is a mandatory detail. If you dress badly as a stylist, you will convey a certain degree of distrust about whether you know your work. Start by projecting your own image as a stylish stylist, and don’t be afraid to show off your best creations by displaying them in your workspace.
English people in America mostly look online by searching sew in near me. English at a native level is almost mandatory. Because you can’t get in touch with the press departments of the world’s top firms without speaking to them in English. And if you do not move within those circles, it will help you give better service to your clients or even increase your chances when looking for job opportunities abroad.
Be polite
Good morning, please, thank you here, thank you there, you’re welcome, delighted … Education and kindness are highly valued here and everywhere. Requests, requests and emergencies will arise throughout each day and, if you are kind and treat people correctly, there will be no one who will say “no”, unless it is more than justified.
Be irreverent
Be able to go further with trends, clothes and looks. Everything is acceptable as long as you set a styling milestone and define your own style. Your ability to innovate will make you a person they consult and trust.
The gift of prudence
Always propose your idea and the concept that you consider ideal, but never lose sight of the reactions of the person in front of you. When you see some discomfort in the person to whom you propose a style, find a discreet way to divert the conversation and then see how you apply something that is more suited to your client’s preference. Think that there are people very attached to certain rules and / or fear of innovation.
A good contact book
Contacts, as in any other sector, are very important. It is the first thing, to be able to access via fast pass to newsrooms and fashion agencies. If you work in your own premises, it will be your best marketing / advertising system and will help the highly valued and efficient word of mouth advertising.
Having contact with photographers, makeup artists, and modeling agencies can bring you great results.
Presence in social networks
Who does not have social networks today? They are the best instrument to show your work, advertise your style, increase the contact list and of course, thank your clients. That way you will make it very clear who you are and where you stand in the job ranking.
How much do you earn as a stylist?
According to the Cosmetology school near me in Stockbridge, touched by an Angel beauty School that provides employment and wage statistics for the nation, each state, and sub-regions of the state are provide the following averages:
In the US, the average per hour worked shows a value of $ 8.86 for initial positions. In the case of those in the middle range, it is around $ 12.54 and finally, in the most paid jobs, $ 24.94.
Obviously, these are employed as an employee in middle-class hairdressing salons and vary according to the area and the target of the clients who attend them.